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A member registered Dec 06, 2023

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they start at around level 10

Good idea, a way to exit the current run would definitely help with the current bugs

Thanks for the reply.

The bug started after getting the axe in the liquor mines

I love the idea of a small JRPG-like on the Playdate :)

sadly the game bugged out on me in the caves -> i couldn‘t open the menu anymore -> after restarting the game some of the progress carried over, but other didn‘t -> i had 5/4 wheels for the cart and could progress any furthet

Starting a new game also didn‘t work, because all stats, skills and items carried over -> i needed to reser the game data in the Playdate menu

(1 edit)

Maybe it‘s because I have a Rev B Playdate?

The bugs start around level 10 of each dungeon -> so it‘s more an endgame problem (I want to get all weapons/shields)..

Great game :)

Awesome game :)

Great game (bought it on Catalog), but DAMN there are many bugs…

the last 5 runs crashed/freezed and i lost about 2h in total..